Advancing Agriculture with Innovative Technology

Welcome to Kentucky Agritech, where we blend cutting-edge technology with agricultural expertise to revolutionize farming practices. Our mission is to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability through our specialized services:

University Partnerships

Collaborate with Kentucky Agritech on research and innovation

Industry Partnerships

Expert consulting and app development for innovative agritech solutions

Contact Kentucky Agritech

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United States Growing Regions by USDA

United States Growing Regions by USDA

1. North Central (Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota) The North Central region is characterized by its broad range of temperatures, experiencing cold winters and warm summers. This area is known for its fertile soil,...

UrbeeFresh Launch Date

Big news! We’re all set to launch the UrbeeFresh app in March 2023. That's right, in just a few months, you’ll have instant access to local, fresh, and absolutely delightful produce right at your fingertips. We’ve been working round the clock to make this experience...